About Me

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I've lived in this country for 21 years and I probably can't tell you much about the fundamentals of my own national government. It seems that despite my years of experience, I managed to look past the importance of government and the impact that it has on my life every day. Thus, here I am, registered for this Government class, desperately hoping for both an A and a better understanding for how my country is governed. You know, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I scored a 69% on my Civics Quiz. The preface to the quiz stated that most students scored an average of 50%, so at least I did better than the average. I found it disturbing that the preface also stated that college professors scored an average of 55% on the test. These are the people teaching us! No wonder we score so low! In leu of this information, I hope that this class will allow us to reach higher than the pitiful average of the 50% mark. Currently I would consider myself a Republican, however, I'm taking on this political standpoint by inheritance. Although I want to think that I understand what its is to be Republican and why I choose to be one, my idea of this political view is probably very askew.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I want to break free!

This is my first blog, and I'm glad to say it hasn't been a complete disaster, at least yet. I can't exactly say that I'm a fan of this style of "learning" but maybe in the long run it will have its advantages.