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I've lived in this country for 21 years and I probably can't tell you much about the fundamentals of my own national government. It seems that despite my years of experience, I managed to look past the importance of government and the impact that it has on my life every day. Thus, here I am, registered for this Government class, desperately hoping for both an A and a better understanding for how my country is governed. You know, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I scored a 69% on my Civics Quiz. The preface to the quiz stated that most students scored an average of 50%, so at least I did better than the average. I found it disturbing that the preface also stated that college professors scored an average of 55% on the test. These are the people teaching us! No wonder we score so low! In leu of this information, I hope that this class will allow us to reach higher than the pitiful average of the 50% mark. Currently I would consider myself a Republican, however, I'm taking on this political standpoint by inheritance. Although I want to think that I understand what its is to be Republican and why I choose to be one, my idea of this political view is probably very askew.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Obama: I don't like you, but I trust you

I came across this blog and my first thought was "This is another one of these Obama's making the world a better place blogs, isn't it?"To my surprise, there was actually some thought behind what this lady said. She wasn't just waving her red, white, and blue flag of hope with Obama's face pasted all over it. She seemed to present her ideas in a level manner, which would probably appeal to most audiences. She didn't come across as biased, like myself, but rather informative. Although I can't account for the credibility of the author, Heather Taylor, I believe there's some meat-and-potatoes to what she's got to say. From various polls and surveys, Tayor collected information that clearly suggested, people want to see Obama's clean energy plan. He won us over with his hope and change preaching, but now we need to actually see what's going on in that dome head of his. Although as a nation we all agree "clean energy is better," we need to know why and at what cost will clean energy be beneficial. Obama didn't explain that the Keystone Pipeline would only create 2500 jobs and that it would cause a significant increase in gas prices. As voters, we want to hear the whole story and not just the glitz and glamour of their ideas. We need to know it all, the dirty and bad information that could potentially affect us down the road. Simply stating the obvious isn't going to get us anywhere. Spreading the knowledge about the effects of his plan will at least get the ball rolling. Heather Taylor seems to have the same point of view as me, where we agree with progress, but we want to know more about it. Lets hear the game plan, Obama!

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