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I've lived in this country for 21 years and I probably can't tell you much about the fundamentals of my own national government. It seems that despite my years of experience, I managed to look past the importance of government and the impact that it has on my life every day. Thus, here I am, registered for this Government class, desperately hoping for both an A and a better understanding for how my country is governed. You know, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I scored a 69% on my Civics Quiz. The preface to the quiz stated that most students scored an average of 50%, so at least I did better than the average. I found it disturbing that the preface also stated that college professors scored an average of 55% on the test. These are the people teaching us! No wonder we score so low! In leu of this information, I hope that this class will allow us to reach higher than the pitiful average of the 50% mark. Currently I would consider myself a Republican, however, I'm taking on this political standpoint by inheritance. Although I want to think that I understand what its is to be Republican and why I choose to be one, my idea of this political view is probably very askew.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

If it aint broke, don't fix it

 In reviewing on of my classmate's blogs, I came across this article titled, "To Attack or to not Attack." I really like how Melissa handled this issue and I feel the she presented some great points. Please take the time to read her article, as I feel this is a great point of view on how we should handle foreign scuffles with other countries.
I like Melissa's point of view in the issue on the tension between Iran and the US. Her opinion on the matter reminds me of the phrase, "if it aint broke, don't fix it." Such an attack on Iran to protect Israel is sure to muster up a world of chaos United States that it is not ready to handle. Barely having emerged from the war in Iraq, our country doesn't have the finances, soldiers, or the confidence to enter into another scuffle. 
As Melissa noted, although Iran is threatening to make an attack on Israel, they aren't showing signs of intense preparation. Knowing that there's a possibility of an attack on our ally, I feel that we need to prepare ourselves for a confrontation if the situation arises, but we should not be the opponent to cast the first stone.
Melissa's second point is a great one that I hadn't even though of and its a large part of the reason why the United States should try to avoid this confrontation altogether. She states that, "the war will not only be with Iran." Considering the allies of Iran, this could end up being a giant war over something that could have been solved by negations and peace treaties. 
Overall, I stand firmly with Melissa on the issue and I feel that she made some wonderful points to consider. While we need to protect our allies, we must also look out for the well-being of our own nation. In order to avoid confrontation, the United States needs to tread lightly and avoid stepping on any toes, while at the same time asserting that it will protect Isreal if attacks are made by Iran. 

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